
Earth House Stage 2 -Invitation (English/ Japanese)

<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->2009 OpenArtProject Earth House Stage 2 –

Looking for Mud-Playing Playmates
We are looking for those of you who like to play with mud and get dirty. Don’t let your childhood become a distant memory...As time passed, signpost “military base, keep out” at the abandoned army camp disappeared, only traces remain…This summer, we are inviting mud playing friends to use their creative mind, to build an Earth House. We chose earth as the building material. Why? Earth is the most abundant natural resource on hand…To build an Earth House will require the wisdom of the older generation. An old master, who has not built an earth house for over 40 years, will join us. We asked him if we could not pay him, can we give him some wine instead. He just smiled and nodded, and asked “where is the earth? And who else is coming?”...So, in this Earth House Building Game, the old master will lead us to discover the infinite creativity within the earth and the pleasure of recovering memories and skills of this traditional art...Now, we will begin to look for more earth, and more mud-playing friends!
【遊戲部隊Game Teams
1 Seed Players: Building ideas, make tools, make bricks, creative, helpers of Public Players
2 Public Players: Individual/family/group with interest in mud playing and earth houses.
【遊戲期程Game Project DatesJuly 18, 2009 to October 30, 2009
遊戲時間Game Time Slot9:00 am to 5:00 pm
【遊戲地點Game LocationShiluo Bridge Artist Army Camp, Shiluo Town, Taiwan
【參加對象Player Qualification10 years old and up
【參加費用Joining FeeFree (need to pay for lunch); donations welcome
【活動內容Additional EventsTalks & Creative Planning Sessions; etc.
【報名須知Registration Information
1. Please register 1weeks before intended arrival dates. Registration is complete upon receipt of confirmation. (Game organizer will send out the complete game rules.)
2. There are no limits to the number of time slots for participation. But those who apply as the Seed Players need to check two time slots to lead the Public Players.
3. Email Registration, hearthhouse2009@hotmail.com, please write “2009 Earth House Game Stage 2” in the subject line. Fax Registration fax number +886-5-5880372.
4. Please contact: Sweet Ms. Chang +886-932-647400; Gentle Mr. Lee +886-937-759234
5.相關訊息連結Related Website Links
大地之屋部落格 Earth House Website http://nestdream2008.blogspot.com/
西螺大橋藝術兵營 Artist Army Camp Website http://www.shituoart.org.tw/
【注意事項Important Notice
1. This is a public event. All donations will be listed on the Earth House website.
2. Separate registration form for Event Talks and House Building in October, see website.
3. Game will continue on raining days. If there are severe storms or special circumstances, organizer will notify players by phone or text message.
4. Lunch Boxes are ordered for the players. Players will pay on the day of attendance.
5. Please wear long sleeve shirts, long pants, and hats. There will be mosquitoes.
6. Almost all work will be done outdoors. Please consider carefully.
7. The camp has very basic housing. Those who are planning to spend the night at the camp, please bring your own bedding, such as sleeping bag.

※Download the registretion from
, go to http://blog.yam.com/armycamp/article/20844176

  土遊びが好きな参加者 募集中!


3.インターネットで申し込みをされる場合は、件名に「2011 大地之屋」と明記し、迷惑メールとならないよう注意してください。
お申し込みはこちらのアドレスへ、 Hearthhouse2009@hotmail.com
 西螺大橋芸術兵営ブログ http://nestdream2008.blogspot.com/
2.活動期間に行われる講座や、各種申し込みをしたい方は、 くれぐれもブログにて確認してください。
3.雨天でも決行します。ただし、大雨や台風などで急遽中止する場合は、電話や簡単な連絡方法 にて当日の参加者に連絡します。
